
For 2024, Karuna Ventures is seeking 3 clients to co-market and co-sell their Product, Service, or Intervention to the organizations that will be most understanding of their value, and to do so with a stated goal to scale. We will have 3 complimentary clients that don’t compete with one another but offer something that might be combined with another client’s offering to bring force multiplied value.

We work with our clients in a variety of ways:

  • Products in this landscape are cutting edge and don’t have a track record behind them. The demand for Flourishing frameworks products is growing and will not reverse course. Product positioning, value proposition definition is critical.

  • The landscape for our new industry is changing rapidly. VUCA conditions will continue to rise, and companies need to be in front of the curve and skate to the where the puck will be. It is getting much harder to anticipate.

  • Selling into today’s SMBs and Enterprises is no easy task. Our new industry is not yet codified and the buyer has good intentions but is limited in ROI frameworks to justify purchases. How a product is presented and how value is determined is paramount to success.

  • Organizing a group of people and/or resources for an impact at scale requires a lot of details, sequencing and be clear about mission and results.

  • Large scale events can have meaningful impact and performance to the bottom line, and maintaining all of the details and sequencing is not an easy task.

Contact us for an initial conversation to see if we might be able to support you in your effort to scale Compassion and Flourishing.